Mpanzo Farma was founded in 2021 by Bernardo Mpanzo Gaspar and will be open for business in September 2023. The new full-service pharmacy is family-owned and will serve low-income individuals and families in Angolan communities. Located and registered in Luanda/Angola, our pharmacy project will offer affordable medications and consulting.

Founder Bernardo Mpanzo Gaspar believes in providing vulnerable and low-income communities access to high-quality medications. His medical background and experiences with patients motivates this project.

The local pharmacy is in Angola, but will be managed in Germany and the Republic of Ireland.

Our Services

With a strong focus on bringing value to our patients and customers, we ensure that high-quality medications are made widely available for everyday affordable prices.

We will offer medications for the treatment of malaria, typhoid fever, intestinal parasites, bacterial infections, dermatological infections and vitamin deficiency.

We will carry a wide range of all types of medications and pharmaceutical products, and we hope that Mpanzo Farma will provide you with all the services that you seek.

Our certified pharmacy technicians will always be ready to assist you.

Our Mission

Mpanzo Farma plans to open a Research and Diagnosis Center and a Nursing School, both located next to our pharmacy. Our upcoming Research and Diagnosis Center will assist patients with medical consulting and examinations. The center will be equipped with microscopes, scanner, echographer, x-ray, hematology analyser and more.

In order to keep up with a demand for more medical staff, we plan to set up a Nursing School and train our soon-to-be nurses and offer the ability to work as part of a team. We want to educate and empower nurses to be agents of change within Angolan communities.

Once well established, we intend to expand our medical activities and services nationwide, and reach out to rural areas and communities that do not have access to professional medical services.

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